9 Days Away, Catch Up Time Friends and Travel: 30-07-15 to 08-08-15

Daughter away, little sis cycling across Europe so time for me to catch up with old friend and then spend time away having accepted almost last minute offer for trip down rivers of France..ability to just go one of life’s advantages in my current situation. A friend needed help and assistance due to age related infirmities.

Drive challenging since traffic at standstill and although route finder quoted 4 hours 20 minutes it took me nearly 7 and a half. On arrival vino chilled and ready for consumption…….2 bottles later I retired to bed deciding that no more alcohol needed for at least 24 hours! Bill and I spent following day sharing news catching up discussing our lives. Pleasant and evening saw us dining out at local pub.

Saturday… farewell or au revoir since plan is for future meet up when home life issues allow. A planned route to follow avoiding Operation Stack had slight hiccough when wrong route followed..I drove for half hour or so in reverse direction. Sigh… navigational skills require honing.

My week away down Rivers in France mixed. On balance enjoyed since lovely couple met who I found easy to talk to. In fact we are all going next year on the same cruise and I find thought of this good to consider.


All seeing eyes Bordeaux

Highlight has to be sights of Bordeaux where I spent day wandering from 09:30-16:30, basilica top of list of things worth seeing. Its OK being alone, itinerary is as I want not with regard to others. The old friend I accompanied has mobility issues and tours taken with regard to his infirmities..Green Venice and small boats plus 2 coach trips. I have been lucky in that my 3 closest friends have travelled my troubled path of the last few years ..they have supported and encouraged recovery and independence. All now elderly and although it could be argued that its my turn to repay debts owed.. I do not view our friendship in that light. I’m so grateful that following recovery with the knowledge of how much I have changed as a person,  they still wish to engage with me..true friends are there through adversity.


“Green Venice” ….France

Fellow guests on board a mixed bunch, I’ve no time for whining minis and avoid unpleasantness. A routing quickly established..walk round deck, trip to gym, quizzes, catch up writing time and dance. Dance this time not so relaxing, I have been spoilt in the past with standard of dance hosts..this trip saw me struggle to follow non existent leads with steps that appeared to have regional variations. No matter, comedian very funny and singer had beautiful voice. In reflection not sure how I filled my days but week progressed swiftly and all to soon back at Dover.

My next trip away will be to boat and then who knows? If renovation does not progress then perhaps time to travel and set aside completion of Horror House.


About patty-ann

Retired from much loved career as a nurse. Enjoy gardening, dancing and hiking. Love to walk accompanied by my White GSD. Mother of one of the #MadExplorers @TheMadExplorers. I travel but I like a bit of comfort...
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1 Response to 9 Days Away, Catch Up Time Friends and Travel: 30-07-15 to 08-08-15

  1. Bill Miller says:

    Sounds to have been a reasonable trip. It was good to see you and catch with the news.


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